Faith in Action
The Knights of Saint Thomas More is a faith-based fraternity that actively supports the English-speaking catholic community in Belgium, centered on the parish of Saint Anthony’s in Kraainem, Belgium.
Embracing our Christian principles, we take on good and practical charitable work, striving to demonstrate the continuing relevance and importance of Christian teaching to today’s complex social and economic problems.
All our efforts go to strengthening community, fellowship, goodwill, tolerance, compassion and understanding in the Parish and the broader community, so that the message of Christ is not lost in the noise of modern life.

Will you just 'pass through'....
... or will you make a difference?
The Parish of Saint Anthony's offers a welcoming community. And a most effective way to find a place for yourself within it, is to join the Knights of Saint Thomas More. Straight away you can have a real involvement in Parish life - to support and grow your faith with works that contribute to the Parish and the wider community.
As a Catholic man over 18 years of age joining the Order, you will meet and work with other expatriates and Belgian nationals who have similar commitments and ideals - sharing your interests, beliefs and values. So you will be able to build lasting friendships as you take a more active role in your Church. We strive to foster a sense of community, fellowship and good will in the parish with opportunities to meet, share and enjoy.
Contact us to find out more about our fraternity and how to become a member.

"I am the King's good servant....
... but God's servant first!"
We have chosen Saint Thomas More as our Patron, as his life and martyrdom of have been the source of a message which spans the centuries and which speaks to people everywhere of the inalienable dignity of the human conscience. Because he bore witness to the primacy of truth over power, he is venerated as an imperishable example of moral integrity.
Saint Thomas More distinguished himself by his constant fidelity to legitimate authority and institutions precisely in his intention to serve not power but the supreme ideal of justice. Unwavering in this rigorous moral stance, this English statesman placed his own public activity at the service of the person, especially if that person was weak or poor; he dealt with social controversies with a superb sense of fairness; he was vigorously committed to favouring and defending the family; he supported the all-round education of the young.
Referring to Saint Thomas More as an example of perfect harmony between faith and action, in Christifideles Laici, the Holy Father, John Paul II wrote: "...[The lay faithful] must be sanctified in everyday professional and social life. Therefore, to respond to their vocation, the lay faithful must see their daily activities as an occasion to join themselves to God, fulfil his will, serve other people and lead them to communion with God in Christ".
This harmony between faith and action is perhaps the element which more than any other defines the personality of this great statesman and inspires the Knights of Saint Thomas More.